231 Funny WiFi Names That Will Have You Giggling
When you are hooking up your WiFi for the first time or deciding to change passwords, you probably don’t give much thought to your WiFi name. But coming up with funny WiFi names is a great way to distinguish your WiFi network from those around you. Why put something boring like your name or the original WiFi name when you can come up with something witty and funny?
Not only is it easy to set up a funny WiFi name, but it will give everyone else that lives or works nearby a good laugh when they see it. You can use many different WiFi names, be it a hilarious pun, a pop culture reference, or a funny joke name. The sky is the limit!
It’s also super easy to change your WiFi name. Depending on what type of computer you are using, there are a couple of different ways to go about it. This handy guide will sort you out and have you typing in your new WiFi name in no time.
But if you are struggling to come up with something funny, we are here to help. There are hundreds and thousands of different names you could use. It can be a little overwhelming. That’s where we can help. We’ve gathered together 231 funny WiFi names you can use when next changing your network name.
Creative and Hilarious WiFi Names to Make You Laugh
These are straight-up funny WiFi names everyone will get a kick out of. As you will discover, a funny WiFi name can be a pun, reference a song, or just be a silly name. What all these hilarious WiFi names have in common is that they will make you laugh.
1. If I Had Your WiFi I Wouldn’t Need Internet
2. Hot Signals In Your Area
3. It Burns When IP
4. Nacho WiFi
5. I Believe Wi Can Fi
6. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s WiFi
7. I Left The Seat Up
8. Wi-Fight The Inevitable
9. No More Mister WiFi
10. Byte Me
11. Get Off My LAN
12. This LAN Is My LAN
13. This LAN Is Your LAN
14. You Fart Pretty Loud
15. New England Clam Router
16. Bandwidth Together
17. The Promised LAN
18. That’s What She SSID
19. Slower Than Yo Momma
20. LAN Of Milk And Honey
21. IP Steady Streams
22. Connectile Dysfunction
23. PorqueFi
24. Come On And Slam And Welcome To My LAN
25. The LAN Of The Free
26. Click Here For WiFi
27. Jump On The Bandwidth
28. I Did Your WiFi Last Night
29. Wham Bam Thank You LAN
30. Click Here To Download
31. Wi-Fight When We Can Make Love
32. I Now Pronounce You Man And WiFi
33. IP A Lot
34. The Internet
35. Winter WonderLA
36. Untrusted Network
37. Connected, Secured
38. Who Pooped In The Pool
39. Definitely Not WiFi
40. Escaped Nigerian Prince
41. No Internet Access
42. Router? I Hardly Knew Her
43. No Wi-Fi For You!
44. SmartToilet8000
45. Whose Car Alarm Is That
46. Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo WiFi
47. Feeling Routy
48. IP Frequently
49. Caught In The Interweb
50. Look Ma, No Wires
51. Keep It On The Download
52.Wi-Finders Keepers
53. Chance Router
54. Putting In The Network
55. No Laughing Router
56. I’m Not A Witch I’m Your WiFi
57. Wi-Find You Cute
58. Wi-Fight The Feeling
59. Leaky Snych
60. My WiFi Is Always Right
Pop Culture WiFi Names
These WiFi names are all about pop culture. They reference things like music, film, and celebrities. Anybody with a finger on the pulse will get a kick out of these hilarious pop culture WiFi names. These are also some of the best WiFi names that most people will understand.
61. Go Go Router Rangers
62. Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Lan
63. Drop It Like It’s Hotspot
64. The LAN Before Time
65. Where the Wild Pings Are
66. Silence of the LAN
67. No LAN for the Wicked
68. Dunder MiffLAN
69. Abraham WAN Helsing
70. Upload The Rain Download In Africa
71. Titanic Syncing
72. Darude LANstorm
73. Bandwidth On The Run
74. America’s Next Top Modem
75. Troy And Abed In The Modem
76. I Believe Wi Can Fi
77. Art Vandelay
78. LAN Down Under
79. Never Gonna Give You WiFi
80. Girls Gone Wireless
81. Everday I’m Buffering
82. Hit The Road Jack Input
83. And Don’t You Come Back
84. WiMCA
85. No LAN For The Wicked
86. Where The Wild Pings Are
87. 99 Problems But Wi-Fi Ain’t One
88. Routers Of The Lost Ark
89. Protect Your Net
90. Networking 9 To 5
91. Another Brick In The Firewall
92. Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?
93. Wifi Art Thou Romeo
94. For Whom The Belkin Tolls
95. Skynet
96. Pretty Fly For A WiFi
97. I’m Too Sexy For WiFi
98. Enter The Dragon’s WiFi
99. Modem Family
100. Spider-LAN
101. No Soup For You
102. Vandelay Industries
103. The Matrix
104. Iron LAN
105. I Know What You Browsed Last Summer
Cool WiFi Names
A cool WiFi name is still funny but also makes you seem really cool. They might be a bit edgy or different but are still cool and funny WiFi names sure to have people wondering who you are.
106. Keep It On The Download
107. I’m Feeling A Connection
108. Trust In God But Protect Your WiFi
109. WiFi Fever
110. Nothing But Net
111. URLY Cool WiFi
112. IanTernet
113. Your WiFi Is Not The issue.
114. Load ‘Em And Modem
115. No More Mister WiFi
116. Open Sesame
117. Rebellious Amish Family
118. Blind Sight
119. Now You See Me
120. Life On The Line
121. Two Girls, One Router
122. Try Again
123. Missed Connections
124. Virus-Free For 36 Hours
125. This LAN Is My LAN
Nerdy WiFi Names
This list of WiFi names is similar to the pop culture collection, except that little nerdier. These WiFi names take inspiration from franchises such as Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, and Harry Potter. We thought these giggle-worthy WiFi names deserved their own category. Enjoy.
126. Not The Wifi You’re Looking For
127. LANdalf
128. House LANister
129. LAN Solo
130. Hogwarts Great Hall Of WiFi
131. The Ping Of The North
132. Jar Jar Linksys
133. One WiFi to Rule Them All
134. LANdo Calrissian
135. Bilbo Laggins
136. Frodo Laggins
137. Torrent Gump
138. Hodor
139. Lord Voldemodem
141. A LANister Never Forgets
142. The Mad Ping
143. Lord Of The Ping
144. I Am WAN With The Web And The Web Is Wan With Me
145. The House Of Black And WiFi
146. Luke, I Am Your WiFi
147. rIP Hedwig
148. Comcasterly Rock
149. Forest Moon Of Endor
150. May the Wi-Force Be With You
151. Docking Bay 94
152. The Force
153. LANnisters Send Their Regards
154. You Shall Not Password
155. Winternet Is Coming
156. Platform Nine And Three Routers
157. Ping’s Landing
158. Floo Network
159. Yer A WiFi Harry
160. Hagrid’s Hut
161. Let the WiFi Win
162. These Are Not The Droids You Are Looking For
Clever WiFi Names
Get yourself a clever WiFi name and let everyone know how smart you really are. These creative WiFi names are witty, funny, and clever and sure to have anyone who comes across them giggling.
163. If You Can’t Beat Em, Modem
163. Definitely Not WiFi
164. Wi-Not?
165. Stuck The LANding
166. Hopping On The Bandwidth
167. Click And Die
168. RIP Net Neutrality
169. Close Your Bathroom Curtains
170. Saved A Bunch Of Money By Swapping To GEICO
171. Chicken Crossed The Road To Steal Our WiFi
172. Wi-Fry Chicken
173. You’re WiFired!
174. My Name Is URL
175. Cheese Take The Wheel
176. URL Of Sandwich
177. Wi Fi Fo Fum
178. Russian Hackers
179. Password Is Password
180. Connection Failed
181. Guess Where We Live
182. Safe Levels Of Radiation
183. Double Click To Connect
184. Who What When Where WiFi
185. $1 Per Hour
186. Get Your Own
187. Free Public Wifi
188. Reserved For Guests I Hate
189. Loading. Please Wait…
190. Password Is Gullible
191. This Space Left Intentionally Blank
192. 404 Network Unavailable
194. Recorded For Quality And Training Purposes
195. Wireless G Spot
196. Freeloaders
197. We’re Watching You
Real Name WiFi Names
These WiFi names turn real people’s names into punny WiFi names. It is much easier than you think to come up with some of these gems. Some of these are scientists while others are bands. Chance the Router. Benjamin FrankLAN. Bill Wi, the Science Fi. All classics.
198. Abraham Linksys
199. LAN Morrison
200. John Wilkes Bluetooth
201. Wu-Tang LAN
202. Martin Router King
203. Chance the Router
204. LAN Halen
205. Bob DyLAN
206. Theodore Routervelt
207. John Claude WAN Damme
208. Panic At The Cisco
209. Benjamin FrankLAN
210. Torrent Gump
211. Alexander Graham Belkin
212. Bill Wi, The Science Fi
213. Franklin Delano Routervelt
214. Winona Router
215. Linksys Lohan
216. Ludwig WAN Beethoven
Random WiFi Names
These WiFi names don’t always make sense but are hilarious nonetheless. They can be everything from phrases to questions to weird combinations of both. Some won’t make sense, some seem silly, and others are just plain weird, but these random WiFi names are still great.
217. Bedroom Drapes Open Please Watch Us
218. Is Your Brain On Drugs?
219. Candy In The Van
220. Welcome To The Dragons Network
221. Bathroom Cam 2
222. Gone Catfishing
223. Brave Little Router
224. Click Here For Porn Use
225. Herpes Positive
226. Routy McRouterface
227. Sandra Bullock Protects My Net
228. Small World Wide Web
229. I’m Under Your Bed
230. You Killed Kenny
231. Access Denied
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