Getting shot in the head usually equates to death, but there are some headshot survivors who somehow managed to cheat death. If you watch movies or TV shows, a bullet to the head means death. This is especially true when it comes to zombies. It kinda makes sense considering the skull holds one of the most important human organs, the...
The Big Bang created the vast and mysterious universe billions of years ago. With no center or edge, the universe consists of space, energy, time, matter, moons, stars, galaxies, and planets. Centuries ago, humans were shocked to discover the Earth isn't the center of the universe, nor is it the only planet. Astronomers and astronauts continue to search the universe...
Conspiracy theories often arise after a celebrity's death, with fans believing they’re still alive and well. Fans are confident that stars like Elvis Presley, Andy Kaufman, and Tupac Shakur faked their deaths and are living their best lives on a tropical island away from the spotlight. Also known as a staged death, many people believe these iconic celebs were so...
A paradox is a fascinating concept that appears in television shows, movies, and literature. Some of history's most brilliant writers, such as William Shakespeare, George Orwell, and William Woodsworth, used a paradox as a literary device, while it's also a popular device in science fiction movies. As it turns out, paradoxes aren't just for old writers and sci-fi flicks. Paradoxes...
Ever wondered how close is Russia to Alaska? It's probably not something that's ever crossed your mind, but Russia and Alaska, two of the largest land masses in the northern hemisphere, are actually quite close. Russia, officially the world's largest country covering an area of 6,601,665 square miles (11% of the world's total landmass), is a European nation with a...
History is full of mastermind criminals who transcend time, such as Pablo Escobar, D.B. Cooper, and Al Capone. While they're all notorious criminals, they were highly successful, at least for some time. They committed murders, robbed banks, and blew up restaurants. But for every intelligent criminal, there are ten dumb ones, with this article looking at some of the dumbest...
In the classic science-fiction movie, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Obi-Wan Kenobi impresses Luke Skywalker with his Jedi mind tricks. Not only is Luke impressed, but so was every kid that watched that movie. Even as adults, we wish we could do the Jedi mind trick like Kenobi and get people to do what we want. While humans...
In the 12th century, the samurai emerged as a powerful military force, political system, and social class in medieval Japan. To most people, the samurai were just martial arts guys that fought with swords. While some of that is true, they were much more. It was a way of life with a deep and complex philosophy. With education and military...
When most people hear the word "color blind," they assume it means seeing the world in black and white. This is misleading and makes for a misunderstood term. Color blindness is much more complex than black and white. It often makes everyday tasks difficult, such as shopping, playing sports, and driving. What you might not know is that color blind...
In the western Pacific Ocean, 124 miles near the Mariana Islands, is the deepest oceanic trench on the planet, the Mariana Trench. The deepest end of the trench, Challenger Deep, is at the southern end of a small valley. The point is so deep that Mount Everest could fit with room to spare. The pressure and depth make it challenging...