The 18 Signs a Man is Falling in Love With His Partner
One of the greatest feelings in life is falling in love. It is a magical occurrence that causes butterflies in your stomach and your heart to beat faster. You get that fuzzy feeling inside when you are with your partner and nothing else matters except for being with them. Besides the emotional feelings you have, there are a number of signs a man is falling in love that you can pick up on during the early stages of dating.
You might think you are keeping your cool but your body language and speech say otherwise. As men we often think were are pretty good at hiding our emotions but that is not always true, especially when you are falling in love. If you are experiencing hot flushes when with your new partner but aren’t quite sure whether that’s because of the way you feel or the warm jacket you are wearing inside, we are here to help you out.
We have done the research and gathered up 18 signs that illustrate the developing love you have for your crush.
1. You Can’t Stop Thinking About Her
If you find yourself constantly thinking about your lady friend then you are probably head over heels in love. When your partner is always on your mind and you can’t help yourself from thinking about her, that is an obvious sign she is more than just a fling. It will result in you texting and calling her more often and always wanting to catch up and hang out.
2. You Always Want To Spend Time With Her
Of course, you want to spend time with her, she is your girlfriend after all. But when you would rather hang out with your lady on a Saturday night than have a big one with the boys, this is a clear sign you are in for the long haul. Wanting to spend lots of time with her is great and means you are taking things seriously. Now you don’t want to spend every waking moment together, as that is a tad unhealthy. Also known as ‘love bombing,’ this dating tactic is often used to label men who constantly show affection that slowly turns into control. Catch up as often as you like but be sure to have your own life too.
3. You Get Nervous Around Her
Nerves are expected when you meet someone for the first time, but if this continues, it is another sign you are falling for your date. If you find yourself stumbling over your words when trying to express your feelings or struggling to come up with the right words when sharing intimate moments, this is a sure-fire indicator that you are in love.
4. You Can’t Keep Your Eyes Off Your Partner
As the great Frank Valli sang, “I can’t keep my eyes off of you.” If you find yourself longing gazing at your partner then you have certainly caught the lovebug. If staring into their eyes as they talk to you about the most mundane thing that happened during their day makes you smile and fills you with giddy excitement, you are in love.
A study in Psychological Science found that when a person is gaga in love, their eyes are drawn to the other person’s face. If it is only lust, your eyes will be drawn to their body. So if you can’t keep your eyes off her eyes then you are in love, my friend.
5. You Are Talking About the Future
Men for the most part are seen as non-commital, which is true to an extent. So if you suddenly find yourself talking about moving in together, getting married, or having kids, there is no doubt you see a future with your partner. This is especially true if you are the one bringing these topics up. It is only natural if you are with someone for a long period of time you will want these things, but if you and your partner are actively talking about getting a dog or having your first child, it shows how serious you are about the relationship and the love you have for them.
6. You Are Always Putting Her First
Some might think this is a given, but when you go from living the single life to being in a relationship it takes some time to adjust. When you are used to only looking after yourself, it is easy to always want to do what you like or eat where you want to eat. When you start taking into account your partner’s likes and dislikes, this shows how much you love them. Asking her what she feels like for dinner or letting her choose the movie might seem like small gestures, but they are selfless acts that show how you feel about her and your relationship.
7. You Reveal Intimate Details About Yourself
This doesn’t just relate to sex, although letting your partner know your kinks is a positive discussion. Being open and intimate means you are talking to your partner about all the big issues in your life. Your fears, your hopes, your dreams. Getting to the nitty-gritty of who you are and what you want from life. You usually only tell people you love these sorts of things, so if you are sharing with your girlfriend it means they mean a lot to you. When you want them to know everything about yourself, this helps form a more intimate bond between you both.
8. You Want To Protect Her
This doesn’t mean sitting outside of her house waiting for someone to break in or attack her. Protecting your partner is all about making them feel safe. Letting them know you are there to help when things turn to shit. And when you can’t shield her from the horrors of the real world, you can be there for her and offer your support. Other ways you can show this is by defending her if someone says something bad about her or by being with her when she is sick and looking after her. Being protective covers a number of things but they all involve being there for your partner and having their back.
9. You Both Laugh a Lot
If the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, for women, it can be argued humor is the way to their hearts. It is common knowledge that women find funny men attractive. Being able to laugh at yourself and the absurdity of life is a great quality to have. If you are both laughing all the time then it shows how much you have fallen for her. This is backed up by science.
Several studies of college students by Evolutionary Psychology found that men use humor to gauge a woman’s interest. The more she laughs, the more interested she is. What they found is the more couples laugh, the greater the chemistry between them. The study also found the more couples laugh together and have fun, the more chance the relationship will last. So start practicing your best jokes.
10. You Listen When She Talks
We mean you really listen. Even when she is talking to you about the most mundane thing, you will give her your full attention. This might seem like a given, but you would be surprised how many guys don’t really take in what their partner is telling them. If you follow up on things she has said that shows you are listening and is a big tick in the love column. Your partner will also appreciate the fact that you are taking in what she tells you. If she mentions her cousin isn’t doing well health-wise, check in with her about it a week later. If she is training someone new at work. As her how it is going. Being invested and engaged shows how much you care for her.
11. You Introduce Her To Your Family and Friends
If you needed any more proof that she is the one, introducing her to your family and friends is the sealer. This is something you only do for a partner you really care about. Allowing them into your life, particularly when it comes to your family, is a big deal and demonstrates your commitment to the relationship. The same goes if you are want to meet her family and friends. Being open to meeting her family and friends and being part of that side of her life will not only make your partner happy but shows how seriously you take your relationship.
12. You Find You Are More Optimistic
A German study involving 245 couples found that the more in love and happy you are in a relationship, the less likely you are to have negative thoughts and feelings about everyday life. This makes total sense. If you are falling for your partner that is because they make you happy, meaning your general outlook on life will be more optimistic. As being happy is the one thing everyone should want to achieve in life, falling in love with your partner can only benefit your mental and emotional health and your outlook on the future. As Bryan Ferry once sang, “Love is the drug for me.”
13. You Are Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
It is very easy to slip into a routine when you are single. Doing what you like when you like. Meeting someone new and having them become part of your life changes that dynamic. When you are falling for someone you are more likely to try new things and experiences. You are more willing to leave your comfort zone. This also involves changing some of your habits and behaviors. A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that when you are falling for someone you are more likely to make small changes in your life, be that being more open to new things or personality wise. While nobody is saying you need to change dramatically, small positive changes that show your love for your partner are welcome.
14. You Are Willing To Compromise
You can find yourself becoming selfish when single, which is a trait you have to balance out when in a relationship. Compromise is a big part of any partnership, so if you find you are willing to meet in the middle more often than not when deciding on things, that is a positive. This doesn’t just relate to choosing what restaurant to eat at or whose turn it is to do the dishes. It is also about letting her live her own life and do her own thing without you.
15. You Don’t Feel The Need To Play Games
You shouldn’t be playing games with anyone, but this especially applies to someone you care deeply about. When you are falling for someone you are more likely to be direct and let them know how you are feeling. You don’t want to play games with their emotions or lead them on. Make your intentions clear. If you like her let her know. This is how it should be for all relationships, especially if you are keen on your date. Communicate your feelings and don’t be a dick. Simple.
16. You Find the Sex is on Fire
Pardon the pun, but if the Sex is on Fire then you will find yourself falling for her even harder. Sex isn’t everything, but it is an important part of any relationship. If you aren’t sexually compatible it can often have a negative impact on things. When you have sex with someone you love it helps strengthen the emotional connection between you both. It helps you bond on a deeper level. It is also a lot more fun when you can be open about your likes and dislikes in the bedroom without fear of being judged.
17. You Find Yourself Always Talking About her
Gushing about your girlfriend is normal, but if you always seem to find a way to squeeze her into the conversation, you are in love my boy. Chatting to your mates or family about your partner in glowing terms is a true sign you are in love. It makes you feel good to let people know you are together and how much she means to you. She will also appreciate you saying nice things about her, just don’t go around telling everyone your dirty laundry.
18. You Start Using ‘We’
When you first get into a relationship with someone you are most likely to refer to your partner by her name when discussing things. For example, you might be asked if you are going to a party together and reply, “Yeah, me and Carmen are coming.” When you are in love that will change to we, such as “We are coming.” When you reference anything the two of you are doing it will be as we. We are going to the movies. We are interested in buying a house. This might not seem like a big deal, but it is a clear sign of how much you love your partner.
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