Time To Conquer: Absolute Guide To Workout Routines For Men
We’ve put together a handful of info graphics and guides to help you get started towards reaching your fitness goals. No matter what your current bill of health is, we have got you covered with a variety of different exercise routines for men. From the beginner who is just starting out to the bodybuilder who already has a solid foundation and fitness track record, there’s something for every man.
So take a glance below and match up your new workout routine, plus find the necessary movements. You’ll be once step closer towards reaching your muscle building goals every time you hit the gym!
1. Creating A Solid Workout Routine For Men
2. Men’s Exercise Requirements For The Beginner Lifter
99% of the healthy lifting population looking to maximize their physique should be doing all of the “necessary” movements”. However despite the disregarding name given to other lifts, “potentially unnecessary movements” need to be examined and further explained. These are the lifts that are potentially incorporated after several months after noticing an imbalance that needs to be addressed.
If you notice there are no real imbalances, then simply continue with your necessary movements until you have reached the intermediate level. To better explain, an intermediate lifter should be doing lifts such as the core work, overhead press or front raises, and shrugs. As well, lateral-head focused triceps training and hammer curl bicep exercise should be done to emphasize the outer portion of the biceps.
They may not always be a necessary in achieving results for a specific purpose or for a certain part of the muscle. Just keep in mind that they can still be a great addition in order to add more general volume to a body part through another exercise.
3. Workout Routines For Men Checklist
So you have got flat and incline, rows and chins, shoulder raises, squats or leg press, curls and extensions, calf raises, SLDL and leg curls. In this case you haven’t been lifting for a very long time so at the moment you should have no real weak points of the body. However if you are starting off and do have weak points, they might have possibly been the result of hardly training those body parts in the first place.
Now that you are ready for the basic exercises, let’s start the program by lifting every second day. For the number of reps you’ll want to aim for around five to twelve reps on basically everything you do. Remember to use a heavier end of the spectrum for compounds, and a lighter end of the spectrum for isolation movements.
For sets you’ll want to do two to three sets per each exercise, and if you do go to failure, make sure that you avoid doing this for big movements like squats and the bench press. Keep in mind you should also avoid going close to failure on the first set or two, otherwise you won’t be able to get as many reps in for your later sets.
Ff you choose to never go to failure on purpose it’s actually a good choice, as long as you’re progressing in weight and reps it’s perfectly acceptable. Not to mention, if you have been lifting for a short time, then an upper and lower is also an option.
Refer back to step one for structuring if you’ve only being lifting for a short period of time.
For the Intermediate lifter, your options are going to expand and include things like, Legs/Push/Pull, and a Push/Pull. For the push your quads are going to be worked on, for the pull you’ll be focusing in on the hamstrings. However you will want to ignore this option if you love doing exercises that work the lower back for both your quads and hamstrings. Other things include Chest and Arms/Legs/Back and Shoulders, a Chester and Triceps/Back and Biceps/Legs and Shoulders, a Chester and Back/Legs/Arms and Shoulders, and ETC.
What all these routine have in common is a similar frequency, meaning each muscle is hit slight more often than 3 times every 2 weeks, so similar volumes can be prescribed. If you’ve previously only done the “Necessary Exercises”, and have a solid balance and feel you are doing enough as it is, then doing 2 exercises is a good choice. And although it is a bit more, keep in mind that it’s really perfectly fine to be doing. For Chest, (Incline, Flat/Decline/Dips), Biceps, (A couple types of curls), Triceps, (Pushdowns/SC/CGBP and Overhead Extensions), Quads, (Squats/Leg Press and Leg Extensions, Hamstrings, (SLDL and Leg Curls) would generally be trained with a couple of exercises.
For the Upper Back and Shoulders there are 3 exercises that are more appropriate for this stage in men’s lifting and body building. A vertical pull, a horizontal pull and shrugs, 2 vertical pulls and a horizontal pull, or 2 horizontal pulls, and a vertical pull are great options. One of the best ways to do it is to emphasize the lats in your rowing movements, and leave the inner back to be worked by the shrugs.
For the Shoulders continue with your Side Delt movement. This could be face pulls, rear delt rows, or simply bent over raises. However you’ll want to start performing Front Raises or Overhead Press to ensure the Front Delts continue to not be a week point when Bench Pressing. Not to mention you’ll get a little more volume when it comes to the Side Delts. So to recap, you’ve now got the addition of Overhead Press or Front Raises, and Shrugs or another Vertical/Horizontal Pull, as well as another exercise for the quads.
4. Intermediate Exercise Routines For Men
5. Conclusion For These Exercise Routines For Men
Here are few simple things to keep in mind before heading out to gym with these exercise routines for men. All of these templates assume all of your body parts are currently in balance. If your chest is lagging behind, then go ahead and add another exercise to your routine. The same thing goes with any other part you need to work more on.
Remember, the exercise order isn’t written in solid stone, if you want to do a horizontal pull first, or the back before your shoulders, or even a flat bench before an incline, go ahead!
You can work side delts on “Pull” day if you feel it’s warranted. However try to avoid overhead pressing on push day, as that also works on the side delts.
All of these exercise routines are simply examples, choose whichever ones suit you the best and should you prefer to do different ones that’s perfectly fine. As long as your exercises follow the same movement patterns, you’ll be on the right track for building the proper muscle and strength.
P.H.A.T is a principal of having a heavier day and a lighter day during the week. If you’re in the intermediate level the fitness scope, it’s highly recommended you give this a try out.