The Funniest Airport Signs You’ll Ever Encounter
During a trip, people often have a long and grueling journey. Arriving at the airport is just the beginning. Waiting for luggage is an adventure in itself. Truthfully, there’s no better way to end an airport adventure than funny airport signs.
In fact, the funny airport pickup is a staple of traveling. It gives family and friends the chance to make their loved ones feel special. More importantly, an embarrassing sign will make them regret taking the long flight in the first place.
Regardless, family and friends get the chance to show off their creative side with funny airport signs. There are many different kinds of airport pickups. There’s the funny husband or wife that embarrasses their spouse. The best is when they team up with their kids for a classic joke. Then there’s the cringeworthy but funny father pickup featuring the iconic dad joke. There’s truly nothing better than a funny airport sign.
1. Welcome Home Mommy! P.S. We’re Out of Underwear. We Don’t Even Have Any on Right Now
This is what happens when mommy leaves the boys with daddy. They show up at the airport with a funny sign and no underwear. The sign is funny, creative, and informative. It’s easily one of the funniest airport pickup signs on this list.
2. Sarah, I Have the Imodium You Asked For
The best airport signs make everyone laugh but embarrass the person getting picked up. For instance, one boyfriend agreed to pick up his girlfriend’s friend from the airport. He decided to make a funny sign and embarrass someone he barely knew. The sign can work with anyone not named Sarah too.
3. Hugh Jarse
The Hugh Jarse sign works on so many levels. It’s funny, creative, and simple. Plus, it combines funny puns and the classic dad joke. It’s the perfect airport sign since it doesn’t require any money and will embarrass the person getting picked up, aka Hugh Jarse.
4. Michael Jordan
The best airport pickup signs are often the simplest. For instance, writing a famous person’s name down on cardboard is simple and funny. It works best with NBA legend Michael Jordan. The airport will be buzzing until the non-Michael Jordan person shows up.
5. A. Neal: Report for Booty
Here’s a sign perfect for a wife or girlfriend greeting a returning soldier. The sign is funny, simple, and a little hot. It’ll work in all situations, not just for returning soldiers.
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6. Prepare To Be De-Briefed
It’s not easy marrying a soldier. They could be gone for years or even longer. Army wives must learn to have patience. Of course, that changes when the soldier returns. For instance, one wife made a sign that read “Prepare To Be De-Briefed.” She’s just being honest.
7. Welcome Home From Rehab
Little brothers have an incredible talent for embarrassing their sisters at the airport. It’s almost as if they were training for that moment their entire life. For example, one little brother kindly picked up his big sister with a “Welcome Home From Rehab” sign. The silly sign is good for a laugh. Coincidentally, nobody has seen that little brother since the airport.
8. Kardashian
Fathers often have the funniest airport pickups. There truly is nothing funnier than the classic dad joke. Doug Payne is a master at the funny airport pick. On one occasion, he picked up his daughter Courtney Payne with a sign that read “Kardashian.” It’s the perfect sign because it’s good for a laugh and disappoints simultaneously.
9. Santa’s Naughty List
As noted, Doug Payne is a veteran when it comes to the funny airport pickup. Airport travel increases during the holiday season, as do dad jokes. They’re lame and cheesy but there’s nothing wrong with that. During the holiday season, Doug dressed up as an elf and waited for his daughter with a giant naughty list sign. The only person on the naughty list was Courtney.
10. Miranda Lambert
Here’s one more from funny father Doug Payne. He once showed up at the airport with a Miranda Lambert sign. Once again he got a big laugh but did disappoint a group of Miranda Lambert fans.
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11. National Margarita Day
All dads have a particular skill for picking up their daughters from the airport. One father showed up with a National Margarita Day sign and also brought the margaritas with him.
12. Welcome To Florida
When it comes to an airport pickup, beware of husbands with kids. They’ll show up with an embarrassing sign and turn their wife’s face dark red. A father and his sons showed up at the Seattle Tacoma International Airport with a “Welcome to Florida” sign. Plus, they all put on their best Florida outfits.
13. Oompa Loompa Picks Up Chocolate Johnny
Dressing up like an Oompa Loompa to pick up a loved one or family members is a hilarious airport pickup. It’s ideal for anyone that owns a chocolate factory like Chocolate Johnny. A good friend dressed up like an Oompa Loompa and waited at the airport for Chocolate Johnny in this hilarious cosutme.
14. Welcome Home From Prison Mom
Husbands and sons are a lethal combo at the airport. They often make the funniest airport signs. For example, a father and his sons waited for their mother with a “Welcome Home From Prison Mom” sign. It’s a hilarious sign that’s good for a laugh. He’s also a husband that’ll be sleeping on the couch tonight.
15. Tom, Will You Marry Me?
Proposals at the airport happen daily, making a fake proposal the perfect example of a funny airport sign. One kind friend agreed to pick up his buddy Tom from the airport. He showed up with a “Tom, Will you marry me” sign. It turns out that he often proposes to his straight friends at the airport.
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16. Oh Great, You Somehow Survived
Boyfriends have been picking up their girlfriends from the airport since the very first flight. And boyfriends love to pull off a funny airport pickup. One boyfriend showed up with an “Oh great, you somehow survived” sign that got a good laugh from everyone, including his girlfriend.
17. Smile if You Touch Yourself
Airports are full of people that need to smile and laugh. A good airport sign makes everyone in the airport laugh. Therefore, the “Smile If You Touch Yourself” sign is perfect for picking up a friend, sister, mother, or grandma.
18. Dan Gleeballs
Sometimes, it doesn’t require a big sign for a funny airport pickup. The size of the sign doesn’t matter as long as there’s a dirty pun. There’s nothing better than a punny dad joke such as Dan Gleeballs. At least Dan has a good friend waiting to pick him up after a long flight.
19. Go Back To Cali, Jody. We Hat You
Brothers were born to embarrass their sisters and make some of the best funny airport pickup signs. They know how to make their sister feel special and welcomed. One brother made a sweet sign for his sister Jody. The sign, “Go Back To Cali, Jody. We Hate You,” can work for anyone not named Jody from California.
20. Apple and Tree
Fathers get all the credit when it comes to the funny airport pickup. However, some mothers are much more creative than fathers. This mother made two separate signs. She held up a “tree” sign and gave her daughter an “apple” sign. It’s sweet and funny all at the same time.
21. Get Ur Ass in the Car
The best airport signs are funny and to the point, as the airport pickup is no picnic. The “Get Ur Ass In The Car” sign is honest and funny.
22. Mr. Snowden
Waiting to pick up a friend, family member, or loved one with a celebrity sign is always funny. The people around get excited to see the elusive celeb. That makes the disappointment so much funnier. However, to take the sign to the next level, change the name to Mr. Snowden.
23. Welcome, Home Dad. Congrats on Your New Mail Order Bride. 5th Times a Charm
Dads and moms spend years pulling off the most embarrassing and funny airport pickups. It’s about time that children get their revenge. One daughter made a sign that made fun of her dad and mom simultaneously. It’ll be tough to top that airport sign.
24. Noisy Pale Faced Lady
Airport signs don’t need to be big and flashy. A small sign with a personal insult will do just fine. There’s no better way to greet a loved one than with a sign that reads “Noisy Pale Faced Lady.” The sign manages to be specific and vague and could even be referring to the person holding it.
25. Mary Swanson
The classic movie Dumb & Dumber features one of the great airport pickups. Lloyd falls in love with Mary Swanson at first sight. Copying the film is one of the best airport pickup ideas. All it takes is a driver’s hat and a “Mary Swanson” sign.
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